Advantage Administrators Benefits Mobile App
It’s a mobile world—smartphones are everywhere, and they’re more important to our daily lives than ever before, from paying bills to buying groceries to staying in touch and so much more.
Shouldn’t accessing your benefits be just as easy? With Advantage Administrators’ Benefits Mobile App, now it is! It all starts with free, 24/7 access to all your benefits all from one convenient, secure location that makes many of your major benefits decisions and activities, from filing a claim to determining whether an expense is qualified to reviewing your HSA’s performance easier than ever before!
If you’re ready to take the guesswork out of determining whether an expense is qualified (and thus deductible) under IRS Code Section 213(d), the Benefits Mobile App has the tool for you! Using your phone to scan the bar code of an item, the app’s eligible expense scanner will determine if the item being reviewed is eligible as an expense for a medical flexible spending account, a health savings account, a limited flexible spending account, or a limited reimbursement arrangement. That makes it simple for participants of existing medical plans (medical FSA/LPFSA, HSA, and HRA) to spend with confidence, knowing that you’re achieving cost savings through your eligible healthcare expense.
Want a simpler way to pay for medical expenses using your HSA? With the Benefits Mobile App, you can transfer HSA funds into your bank account, all without having to put down your smartphone. How about checking on the balance and performance of your HSA account? Finding out where your investments stand is as easy as logging into your account!
Need to file a claim? Want to check on the status of a pending claim? The Benefits Mobile App cuts through the time and hassle of the traditional claim process, beginning with filing your claim. There’s no need to complete stacks of paperwork—now you can upload documents through a snap of your phone’s camera and file your claim through a few simple online fields. And after you’ve hit “submit”, you can rest easy with the instant notifications feature that provides immediate, real-time notifications about the status of your claim. The Benefits Mobile App lets you save paper, save time, and save hassle while staying on top of your claims!
We value your privacy, and want to make using your account easy, and that’s why we offer robust security features to ensure that your information stays protected as well as convenient tools to enhance your user experience. In addition to being secured by 128-bit SSL encryption technology, your Benefits Mobile App allows you to report a card as missing or stolen, which helps prevent unauthorized access of your benefits. And as part of our commitment to your privacy, we never store pictures on your phone. Logging in and resetting your login credentials are also as simple as swiping your finger, and you can keep up with all the updates in your account by signing up for instant text alerts.
Mobile devices have changed the way we live, and that includes how you access your benefits! All HSA and FSA plan participants are invited to download the Benefits Mobile App and experience the convenience, portability, and simplicity of mobile benefits!